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Old 04-04-2020, 01:40 AM   #491
Andi Istiabudi
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Default Re: Carlos Tevez

'Daripada Cuma Bikin Video, Lebih Baik Bantu Warga yang Kesulitan'
Adhi Prasetya - detikSport

Buenos Aires - Pandemi virus corona membuat banyak klub sepakbola mengalami masalah keuangan. Penyerang Boca Juniors, Carlos Tevez, mengajak rekan-rekan seprofesinya untuk menerima pemotongan gaji.

Diketahui, penyebaran COVID-19 yang begitu cepat telah membuat nyaris seluruh kompetisi di hentikan. Hal ini membuat klub kehilangan pemasukan yang siginifikan.

Berbagai cara diambil demi menyelamatkan nasib karyawan klub yang berupah rendah, salah satunya pemotongan gaji pemain. Langkah ini sudah dilakukan sejumlah klub besar, seperti Juventus hingga Barcelona.

Namun tak semua klub kaya melakukannya. Di Inggris, justru yang terjadi adalah pemotongan gaji karyawan non-pemain, seperti yang hendak dilakukan Tottenham Hotspur.

Tevez pun mengajak rekan-rekan seprofesinya untuk menyumbang lebih banyak, khususnya pemain-pemain bergaji besar. Menurutnya, para pemain bola harus mengambil langkah lebih konkret dalam melawan pandemi virus corona.

Tevez menyadari, klub-klub harus berinisiatif meminta para pemainnya untuk menyetujui pemotongan gaji. Jika tidak, kemungkinan langkah itu tak akan ditempuh pemain.

"Pihak klub harus terlibat. Karena pemain tak pergi berlatih di pagi hari, klub harus meminta para pemain melakukan sesuatu untuk lingkungannya," kata Tevez di Mirror.

"Contohnya, pergi menyumbang makanan di La Boca. Saya akan melakukannya dengan senang hati. Saya tahu keluarga saya baik-baik saja."

"Di situlah contoh yang baik dimulai. Kalian bisa membuat video, seperti yang saya lakukan di rumah, tapi contoh yang baik harusnya adalah pergi keluar dan memberikan bantuan," tandas pemain 36 tahun itu.
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Old 04-04-2020, 01:42 AM   #492
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Default Re: Carlos Tevez

Tevez: Tak Gajian Setahun pun Pesepakbola Masih Bisa Hidup
Mohammad Resha Pratama - detikSport

Buenos Aires - Carlos Tevez meminta pesepakbola jangan manja di tengah pandemi virus corona. Para pelaku lapangan hijau wajib membantu sesamanya yang sedang kesulitan.

Teror corona kini makin menjadi-jadi karena sudah ada lebih dari 800 ribu orang yang terpapar di seluruh dunia. Alhasil, roda ekonomi pun jadi terganggu termasuk sepakbola.

Banyak kompetisi yang dihentikan sementara sewaktu yang berimbas kepada pemasukan klub. Ujung-ujungnya para pemain pun harus mengalami pemotongan gaji agar keuangan klub tetap seimbang.

Tapi, masih ada klub yang belum melakukan pemotongan gaji yang membuat kritik berdatangan. Para pemain dinilai tidak berempati terhadap kondisi yang ada dan hanya mementingan perut sendiri.

Buat Tevez, para pesepakbola tidak seharusnya manja karena mereka sehari-hari diberikan fasilitas wah. Untuk saat para pemain harus mau membantu sesamanya tanpa memikirkan lagi soal gaji.

"Kami harus ada di sana untuk membantu orang-orang. Tentu saja saya akan senang hati datang membantu, apapun itu," ujar Tevez kepada America TV.

"Ini akan jadi contoh yang sangat bagus untuk kita semua jika para pesepakbola, aktor, turun tangan dan membantu tetangga mereka yang kesusahan dan butuh pertolongan. Saya siap untuk itu," sambung pemain yang kini memperkuat Boca Juniors itu.

"Setiap pesepakbola itu bisa hidup enam bulan atau setahun tanpa digaji sekalipun. Kami bukan contoh yang baik, mungkin kami bagus di bidang lain bukan yang ini."

"Kami tidak harus memikirkan caranya berjuang mencari makan setiap hari, seperti mereka yang pergi bekerja pukul enam pagi dan pulang pukul tujuh malam hanya untuk makan keluarganya keesokan hari."
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Old 16-05-2020, 07:14 AM   #493
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Kisah Gary Neville Dikecewakan Carlos Tevez
Kris Fathoni W - detikSport

Manchester - Gary Neville mengenang masa-masa Carlos Tevez masih jadi bagian skuad Manchester United. Neville mengaku kecewa dengan Tevez.

Tevez di Man United selama dua musim, periode 2007-2009, saat dipinjam dari West Ham United. Setelah kontrak peminjaman habis, dan tak ada kesepakatan kontrak permanen, sosok asal Argentina itu dengan mengejutkan hijrah ke Manchester City, klub rival.

Neville, yang menghabiskan karier profesional bersama Setan Merah, pada awalnya memuji performa Tevez yang pada musim pertamanya di Old Trafford mewujudkan trisula maut bersama Wayne Rooney dan Cristiano Ronaldo.

Namun, Neville punya penilaian berbeda di musim kedua, sekaligus musim terakhir, Tevez berseragam The Red Devils. Neville mengklaim Tevez sudah memperlihatkan gelagat tidak baik akibat bisikan orang-orang terdekatnya.

"Yang mengusik saya soal Tevez adalah ia ogah-ogahan di musim keduanya. Saya merasa kecewa karena sebagai seorang profesional, ia tidak bertindak sebagaimana mestinya," kata Neville seperti dilansir Sky Sports.

"Ia mulai duduk di bench pengobatan, mulai datang telat untuk latihan. Mulai bercanda-canda. Saya memahami ia punya situasi tertentu tapi perwakilannya terus-terusan membisiki dirinya, ia amat dipengaruhi perwakilannya sendiri."

"Situasinya memang akan berakhir seperti yang sudah terjadi," tuturnya.
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Old 16-05-2020, 07:17 AM   #494
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Default Re: Carlos Tevez

Agen Carlos Tevez Balas Gary Neville, Kata-katanya Menohok
Kris Fathoni W - detikSport

London - Kia Joorabchian, agen Carlos Tevez, membalas pernyataan Gary Neville dengan kata-kata menohok. Itu terjadi usai Neville mencibir profesionalisme Tevez.

Tevez menghabiskan dua musim berseragam Manchester United, klub tempat Neville menghabiskan kariernya. Tevez dipinjam dari West Ham United pada 2007.

Selepas membela MU, Tevez membuat kejutan dengan pindah ke rival sekota, Manchester City. Nah, Neville juga menilai Tevez memang sudah memperlihatkan gelagat kurang profesional sebelum pindah, pada musim keduanya di MU.

Namun, dalam wawancaranya dengan Sky Sports, Joorabchian bersikeras bahwa Tevez masih berkomitmen penuh buat Man United pada musim terakhirnya di Old Trafford. Salah satu argumentasi yang ia kemukakan adalah statistik Tevez di musim 2008/2009.

"Sama sekali tidak ada (masalah), ia sangat ingin bermain. Ia mencetak 15 gol dan tujuh assist, catatannya bagus. Ia senantiasa siap-sedia bermain terkecuali dalam tiga pertandingan akibat cedera," ucap Joorabchian kepada Sky Sports.

"Saya pikir profesionalisme yang harus dipertanyakan justru dari Gary Neville karena ia tidak mengerjakan tugasnya mengecek karier Carlos, atau sebagai reporter menjelaskan kepada Tevez tidak (profesional). Ia tak pernah menelepon, tak pernah bertanya ke saya atau siapa pun untuk mencari tahu. Ia cuma berkomentar lagi dan lagi."

"Lewat ucapannya, ia meletakkan sebuah tanda tanya di atas seorang pemain yang sudah meraih trofi dua atau tiga kali lipat lebih banyak dari dirinya. Carlos sudah meraih trofi di setiap liga yang pernah dimainkannnya. Di Amerika Selatan, ia sudah pernah dapat nominasi pemain terbaik dalam setahun lebih banyak dari pemain lain dalam sejarah. Sekarang, di usia 34 tahun, ia baru saja menjuarai liga dan mencetak gol kemenangan dengan Boca Juniors," tuturnya.

Soal Tevez yang akhirnya memutuskan pergi dari Man United untuk bergabung dengan rival sekota Manchester City, Joorabchian dengan telak menyalahkan kubu Manchester Merah karena tidak memanfaatkan waktu untuk membuat status pemain bersangkutan jadi permanen.

"Gary Neville bicara mengenai adanya pembisik ke kuping Tevez, bagaikan ia sudah memutuskan untuk pergi di tahun itu. Tapi Man United-lah yang tidak memanfaatkan opsi mereka. Tevez baru membuat keputusan setelah opsi itu lewat batas waktunya sudah lewat. Ia menunggu selama sembilan bulan dan tak ada yang menggunakan opsi (permanen) tersebut (di MU)," katanya.
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Old 10-08-2020, 09:53 AM   #495
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Argentinian star Carlos Tevez has signed a new one-year deal at Boca Juniors at the age of 36. Tevez was the club's top scorer last season and is showing no signs of slowing down at 36
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Old 04-11-2021, 09:58 AM   #496
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'I look inside myself for that fire and I can't find it': Former Man City striker Carlos Tevez, 37, says he 'doesn't feel the desire' to return to football after leaving Boca Juniors this summer

* Carlos Tevez is currently a free agent after leaving Argentinian side Boca Juniors
* The former Man City and Juventus striker says he has no urge to find a new club
* Now 37, Tevez admits he does not miss playing and is 'enjoying the moment'

Carlos Tevez is enjoying life away from football and has no 'fire or desire' to return to the game after leaving Boca Juniors in the summer.

The 37-year-old spent the last five seasons with his boyhood club as his action-packed career begins to wind down, and while he is yet to announce his official retirement, he admits he does not miss playing following his exit in June and is 'enjoying the moment' away from the top level.

Tevez was one of the most prolific forwards in world football during the peak of his powers and dazzled during successful spells with Manchester United, Manchester City and Juventus.

Carlos Tevez admits he lacks 'fire' and 'desire' to return to football after leaving Boca Juniors. He was one of the most prolific forwards in the world during spells at Man City and Juventus

'I don't feel the desire to be there when the ball is rolling. On Saturday I had a wedding while Boca were playing and inside I thought that, if I were playing, I'd be missing the wedding,' the ex-Argentina international explained to ESPN.

'If that result (a 1-0 defeat to Gimnasia) happened like that, I wouldn't go because I'd be angry and I wouldn't take any photos or have a drink; everyone would say Boca lost and Tevez was out partying. Football is like that.

'Am I thinking about coming back? All my friends and family ask me, but I don't know where to start. Right now I am enjoying the moment.

He has suggested his passion for the game is dwindling after calling his one-year spell at Shanghai Shenhua 'a holiday'. Tevez insists he does not miss the game and is enjoying the moment away from the spotlight. He was a controversial figure in the game - joining City from rivals Man United and once refusing to play for the Sky Blues after handing in a transfer request

'You start to wonder but in the meantime I am taking care of myself. I would like something to grab my interest and motivate me or which brings something out of me, but right now, every time I watch Juventus, Boca or a team I've played for, I look inside myself for that fire to motivate myself to play for six months or a year longer and I can't find it.'

Tevez's goalscoring stats took a hit since he ended his impressive time in Serie A, managing just 35 strikes in 133 matches. He has suggested his passion for the game is dwindling - comparing his one year spell with Shanghai Shenhua to 'a holiday', and in 2018 he revealed he was 'not a football fanatic' and preferred to watch golf.

'I never watch football. I don't like it,' he said in the interview.

'If Barcelona-Real Madrid is on, I change the channel to watch golf. I was never a football fanatic. I like to have the ball between my feet.'

Tevez was a controversial figure in the game. He spent two years at Manchester United before opting to cross the divide and join their bitter rivals Man City, refusing to sign a new deal despite being offered the chance to make him one of the club's top earners.

He scored 73 times in 148 games at the Etihad, wininng the Premier League and FA Cup, but came under fire for handing in a transfer request and refusing to play in a Champions League game against Bayern Munich.

Tevez also hit out at the city of Manchester, saying it 'rains all the time' and there was 'nothing to do', adding he 'would not return, not for vacation, not anything'.

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Old 22-06-2022, 09:29 AM   #497
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Default Re: Carlos Tevez

Carlos Tevez lands his first job in management at Rosario Central after penning a one-year contract with the Argentinian club... just two weeks after the ex-Man United and Man City forward announced his retirement from playing

* Carlos Tevez has secured his first post as a manager with Rosario Central
* The Argentinian top-tier club have appointed Tevez on a 12-month contract
* He only brought the curtain down on his playing career at the start of June
* The former Premier League star is now embarking on a new career in the dugout

Carlos Tevez has been unveiled as the new manager of Argentinian club Rosario Central after bringing the curtain down on his playing career.

Tevez, 38, announced his retirement from professional football earlier this month, calling time on a glittering 21-year career in which he scored 308 goals in 746 matches while winning the Champions League and top-division titles in England, Italy, Argentina and Brazil.

And just over two weeks since hanging up his boots, the former Manchester United and Manchester City forward has been appointed manager of Rosario on a 12-month contract.

Carlos Tevez has been unveiled as the new manager of Argentinian club Rosario Central

The Argentinian top-flight team confirmed Tevez as their new head coach on Tuesday, with Carlos 'El Chapa' Retegui set to join as a member of his backroom staff.

Rosario chiefs met with both Tevez and highly-rated candidate Pablo Sanchez last week, according to The Sun.

But it was the former who came out on top, despite Sanchez enjoying far greater experience as a coach over the past 15 years.

Tevez arrives with a wealth of knowledge after playing for some of the biggest clubs in world football over the past two decades, including the two Manchester sides and Juventus.

Tevez only brought the curtain down on his glittering playing career after this month. The former Manchester City and Manchester United forward is embarking on a new career

He was last on Boca Juniors' books, bowing out as a player following a final hurrah with his boyhood club, whom he first joined at the age of 13 before breaking into their first team four years later.

After scoring 38 goals in 110 games for Boca, Tevez went on to enjoy stints with Corinthians, West Ham, both Manchester clubs, Juventus and Shanghai Shenhua as well as another two with his Xeneizes.

The striker also earned 76 caps for his native Argentina, scoring 13 goals.

Tevez revealed his intention to embark on a career in management after leaving Boca last year, saying: 'I’m going to be a coach, I made the decision that I’m going to manage. I got excited, I’m very hooked. I’m ready to manage now.'

Rosario currently sit 22nd in the 28-team Argentina Primera Division after four games, meaning he has his work cut out in the 2022 campaign.

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Old 23-06-2022, 09:28 AM   #498
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Default Re: Carlos Tevez

Carlos Tevez officially unveiled as Rosario Central manager in his first job in coaching after signing one-year deal with Argentinian club... just two weeks after the ex-Man United and Man City forward announced his retirement from playing

* Carlos Tevez has secured his first post as a manager with Rosario Central
* The Argentinian top-tier club have appointed Tevez on a 12-month contract
* He only brought the curtain down on his playing career at the start of June
* The former Premier League star is now embarking on a new career in the dugout
* He posed for photos with the club shirt alongside vice-president Ricardo Carloni

Carlos Tevez has been unveiled as the new manager of Argentinian club Rosario Central after bringing the curtain down on his playing career.

Tevez, 38, announced his retirement from professional football earlier this month, calling time on a glittering 21-year career in which he scored 308 goals in 746 matches while winning the Champions League and top-division titles in England, Italy, Argentina and Brazil.

And just over two weeks since hanging up his boots, the former Manchester United and Manchester City forward has been appointed manager of Rosario on a 12-month contract.

He posed for photos with the club shirt alongside vice-president Ricardo Carloni on Tuesday evening.

The Argentinian top-flight team confirmed Tevez as their new head coach on Tuesday, with Carlos 'El Chapa' Retegui set to join as a member of his backroom staff.

Rosario chiefs met with both Tevez and highly-rated candidate Pablo Sanchez last week, according to The Sun.

But it was the former who came out on top, despite Sanchez enjoying far greater experience as a coach over the past 15 years.

Tevez arrives with a wealth of knowledge after playing for some of the biggest clubs in world football over the past two decades, including the two Manchester sides and Juventus.

He was last on Boca Juniors' books, bowing out as a player following a final hurrah with his boyhood club, whom he first joined at the age of 13 before breaking into their first team four years later.

Carlos Tevez has been unveiled as the new manager of Argentinian club Rosario Central. Just over two weeks since hanging up his boots, Tevez has signed a 12-month contract. He posed for photos with the club shirt alongside vice-president Ricardo Carloni (right)

After scoring 38 goals in 110 games for Boca, Tevez went on to enjoy stints with Corinthians, West Ham, both Manchester clubs, Juventus and Shanghai Shenhua as well as another two with his Xeneizes.

The striker also earned 76 caps for his native Argentina, scoring 13 goals.

Tevez revealed his intention to embark on a career in management after leaving Boca last year, saying: 'I’m going to be a coach, I made the decision that I’m going to manage. I got excited, I’m very hooked. I’m ready to manage now.'

Rosario currently sit 22nd in the 28-team Argentina Primera Division after four games, meaning he has his work cut out in the 2022 campaign.

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Old 04-11-2022, 10:21 AM   #499
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Default Re: Carlos Tevez

Carlos Tevez resigns from his first managerial role at Rosario Central as the Argentinian slams club politics for his departure just FIVE months after taking charge

* Carlos Tevez has left his position as head coach at Argentina's Rosario Central
* The 38-year-old's departure comes after just five months in his role at the club
* Tevez is unhappy with candidates using his name during presidential elections

Carlos Tevez has stormed out of his role at Head Coach at Argentina's Rosario Central, quoting political reasons during the club's presidential elections as the key reasons for his departure.

The former Manchester United and Manchester City striker took his first venture into management just five months ago at the four-time Primera Division champions.

Tevez was renowned for making controversial decisions during his playing career - most notably when he swapped the red side of Manchester for the blue in 2009 - and appears to be making big decisions now off it as well.

The Argentinian club are currently preparing to host their presidential elections on December 18, with Tevez unhappy at candidates using his name to rally support.

Speaking at an emergency press conference at the club's training ground on Thursday, Tevez revealed his reasons for leaving his role as head coach.

Carlos Tevez has decided to leave his role as Head Coach at Argentina's Rosario Central. Rosario Central finished 20th in the Argentinian Primera Division under Tevez's reign. The 38-year-old blamed club politics for his decision to leave Rosario after just five months. Tevez formerly of Man United announced his decision at an emergency conference

'I want to communicate to the people of Central that I am going to step aside. I am not going to continue as coach.

I would like to thank the people for supporting me,' Tevez told reporters at an emergency news conference after training.

'I don't come to do politics and when my name is put in politics I didn't like it. I don't want to be involved, that's why I'm stepping aside,' added Tevez.

Rosario finished 20th in the Argentina top-flight under Tevez's guidance, winning jst seven games and acquiring 32 points over the course of the season.

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